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1:30 PM
to 3:00 PM
Butterfield Overland Mail Presentation & Book Signing Category: Events

Join Arizona Butterfield Trail expert, Gerald T. Ahnert, as he examines the history of the trail through southern Arizona. Long recognized as one of the most historically significant stage and mail lines, the Butterfield Overland Mail operated from 1858-1861, traversing 3,292 miles from Memphis, TN, and St. Louis, MO, to its terminus in San Francisco, CA.

Join Arizona Butterfield Trail expert, Gerald T. Ahnert, as he examines the history of the trail through southern Arizona. Long recognized as one of the most historically significant stage and mail lines, the Butterfield Overland Mail operated from 1858-1861, traversing 3,292 miles from Memphis, TN, and St. Louis, MO, to its terminus in San Francisco, CA.

Author Gerry Ahnert has spent over 50 years studying the history of the trail and tracing its path through southern Arizona. He is recognized as the top scholar on the Arizona portion of the trail, and has just published his newest book, "The Butterfield Trail: Through Arizona's New Frontier."

Presentation tickets must be purchased in advance. Books available for purchase in advance through February 15th and also the day of while supplies last.

Purchased books can be picked up the day of the signing at the Colorado River State Historic Park.

201 N. 4th Avenue, Yuma, AZ 85364

Presentation Admission: $10/person limited seating available
Book Purchase: $19.95/book

Ticket link: